Financial Resources

CT Lakes Grants Program

Connecticut Federation of Lakes (CFL) is pleased to release our 2024 Lakes Grants Program. Under this Program, the CFL request applications from its Members for financial grants to support projects in three categories.

CFL recognizes that its Lakes Grants Program grants will not likely cover the full cost of project applications, but it is our hope that these grants will help you organize, raise the profile for your project or help engage your community. We hope these “seed funds” will make the difference in some or your projects coming to fruition.

The CFL Board voted to continue the grants program in 2024 for the total combined award amount of up to $4,000.

State Aquatic Invasive Species Grant Program

In 2019, the Connecticut General Assembly (with strong encouragement from CFL!) established an Aquatic Invasive Species Stamp fee (Public Act 19-190) that applied to all registered boats using CT waters, to proved a dedicated funding source for the "Connecticut Lakes, Rivers, and Ponds  Preservation Account." This account funds programs to protect the state's lakes, ponds, and rivers by addressing aquatic invasive species and cyanobacteria blooms. 

Deadline for 2024/2025 has passed

Use the links below to become familiar with the program and prepare to apply for the 2025/2026 round. The 2024/25 application was released in October.

AIS Grant

Other Organizations Grant Opportunities 

The following grants opportunities may be useful. They may not be available right now or fit your organization, so please read through the individual requirements before applying. If they are not available now put them on your calendar for the future. CFL does not have any affiliation with the following organizations. 

Bass Pro Shops

At this time, we are investing in programs and initiatives that are aligned with our commitment to conservation. This includes projects and organizations working in the following areas: Conserving Wildlife and Habitat, Connecting New Audiences to the Outdoors, Advocating for Access and Sportsmen’s Rights, Supporting Military and Veterans, and  Strengthening Communities in the Missouri Ozarks

Read more

Connecticut Community Foundation

Committed to fostering an equitable and inclusive community in 21 towns in Greater Waterbury and the Litchfield Hills through grantmaking, encouraging community engagement and strengthening nonprofits.

CCF Website

Connecticut Society for Woman Environmental Professionals

Provides funding for local projects in Connecticut that benefit the environment. Grants of up to $2,000 will be awarded. Grant applications are due on February 27 of each year.

SWEP-CT Website

Environmental Professional Organization of Connecticut

The EPOC Grant Program provides non-profit and not-for-profit environmental advocacy groups, community based groups and environmental education organizations funding for local projects that benefit the environment.

EPOC Website

Grassroots Fund

The Grassroots Fund's grant programs are designed to energize and nurture long term civic engagement in local initiatives that create and maintain healthy, just, safe and environmentally sustainable communities.

Grassroots Fund Website

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Awards competitive grants through our programs to protect and conserve our nation's fish, wildlife, plants and habitats. The Foundation works with public and private partners in all 50 states and U.S. territories to solve the most challenging conservation problems. Explore the programs  to learn about their conservation goals and strategies, and the species and landscapes they support.

NFWF Website

Long Island Sound Stewardship Fund

Established in 2018 to promote a sustainable Long Island Sound, the Sound Stewardship Fund provides additional space for funders who care about the Long Island Sound to work together to make a positive impact on its ecological health; work in alignment with the federal Long Island Sound Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan 2015; help nonprofits working to restore the health and living resources of the Sound achieve conservation outcomes in a more effective and collaborative way; support capacity-building efforts that strengthen nonprofits working to protect the Sound.

LISSF Website

Find a local Foundation

There are many Foundations that offer grant funds for community and environmental work. 


Connecticut DEEP maintains a program for the management of Nonpoint Sources of Water Pollution. A significant component of this program consists of implementing the EPA Clean Water Section 319 Program. DEEP issues a Request for Proposals annually for 319 Nonpoint Source Project Grants.

Section 319 Funding