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CFL Mission

The mission of the CFL is to work with you and for you for healthier lakes and watersheds on local, state, and federal levels.

CFL History

The CFL was founded in 1995 by a small group of people from through out Connecticut concerned or working on lake-related issues.

Since that time, the organization grew and held its first of many annual conferences in 1996 at Connecticut College. Subsequent conferences occurred at Western Connecticut State University, Wesleyan University, and at the facilities of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.

The CFL has also hosted conferences of the New England Chapter of the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) in 1999 and 2006 and was part of the Hosting Committee for the International NALMS Symposium in 2004 and 2009, held at Foxwoods and the Connecticut Convention Center, respectively.

CFL Governance

The CFL board members are committed volunteers who have had the first-hand experience in dealing with lake issues and/or know someone who does.

Board members include professional lake managers, those who work in careers related to lake protection, individuals with masters and doctorate credentials in limnology or related fields, and others who have been part of successful local lake associations. Some just love our lakes!

It is these diverse backgrounds and the willingness of our Directors to devote time and energy to the issues facing our lakes that enables CFL to help its members.

Board members are nominated and elected for two-year terms. Elections occur at the Annual Meeting. To become a board member, one must be a CFL member in good standing. If you are interested in serving, contact any Board member.

Board meetings are held on the third Wednesday of January, March, April, May, June, September, and October.

See the CFL Bylaws here.

Current Officers

President - James Fischer, White Memorial Conservation Center
Vice President - Joe Carbonell, Friends of Lake Pocotopaug
Secretary - Jason Reiser, Lake Waubeeka
Treasurer - Rebekah White, Friends of the Lake (Lillinonah)

Current Directors
Term 2024-2026

James P. Fisher, White Memorial Conservation Center
Brian Wood,  Wood Water Soil
Jason Reiser, Lake Waubeeka
Sean Hayden, Lake Waramaug Task Force
Benjamin Rach, GZA GeoEnvironmental
Riley Doherty,  Office of Aquatic Invasive Species, CT Agricultural Experiment Station
Benjamin Burpee, GZA GeoEnvironmental

Term 2023 - 2025

Rebekah White, Friends of the Lake (Lillinonah)
Maryellen DiLuzio, EnviroTech Laboratory, LLC
Mark Sussman, Hitchcock Lake Improvement Association, President & Environmental Lawyer
Joe Carbonell, Friends of Lake Pocotopaug
Bruce Fletcher, DMD, Past President CFL - Bashan Lake Association

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the costs for Membership Donation?

The CFL offers a few suggested levels of Membership Donation
Individual - $25
Family - $50
Organization - $150
Individual Lifetime - $500
A membership donation gives you a voting right at the annual meeting and the ability to apply for the CFL CT Lakes Grant Program, when offered.  When a donation is received it will be considered a membership first.

Who do you recommend for Lake Management Services?

As a non-profit volunteer organization we do not offer references for service. A web search for lake management should give you a variety of choices. Read the reviews and if they list a client, reach out to the lake organization and ask their opinion. 

What are the rates of your services?

We do not offer any paid services. We are an advocacy organization here to supply information of lake conservation and issues within CT. 

What is the address to send my donation check?

The mailing address for Connecticut Federation of Lakes is: P.O. Box 93, Bridgewater, CT 06752.

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